Sunday, November 6, 2016

2016/11/06 - Blowing in the wind

You gain a certain freedom when you lose your vanity. 

About a year ago I decided to get a short crew cut, about 1/4 inch long. 

Up until this point I was like the anorexic woman looking at herself in the mirror, not seeing the reality of her reflection. All I had left on top were thin remnants of a once thick crop of hair, but now it was looking more like a feint hologram. 

The slightest whisk of wind would blow it out of place, and I was constantly combing, patting, and fixing. What a relief it was to give all this up! 

Then I went one step further and decided to wear a uniform, which I've been wearing for about six months now and no one seems to have noticed. At least no one has mentioned it. 

It's black short sleeve tee shirt, Carhart jeans, black cotton athletic socks, black briefs, and a pair of sneakers. I have enough of each to put on a clean uniform every day and I'm ready to go. Very simple and very easy to reorder the items on Amazon. 

It's nice to have ten of the same clean black tee shirts hanging in my closet. I can snatch a fresh one a few times a day without anyone noticing any difference. 

Now the next time any of my (five) blog followers see me, they are going to jokingly ask "Didn't I see you wearing the same outfit last time?" And I'll respond "Thanks so much for following my blog". 


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