Friday, February 12, 2016

2016/02/12 – Napoleon, Cookie business

Did you know that Napoleon wasn’t really a short guy? According to a “How Stuff Works” podcast I was listening to yesterday, they said he was actually 5’6”, which was very average for the French during that period. He is often said to be 5’2”, which was actually in “French Inches” which were slightly longer than our current inch. He was also known to surround himself with huge bodyguards that dwarfed him.

The Hoffmeyer House gourmet cookie business went live at 2:19 PM Thursday February 11, 2016. I’ll be taking orders for the first time today, hopefully.

I’m starting to get that sinking feeling that I had 20 years ago when I opened my new business’s post office box for the first time.

I was, and probably still am, the eternal optimist. In 1996 I purchased a lock box at the local post office to receive mail orders from my new online photography business. At that time the Internet was brand new and I was excited to sell my photography images online. I waited a week after going live with my new web site to open the box for the first time.

Can you believe I was expecting it to be full? Even better, on the way to the post office I wondered maybe I should have gotten the bigger box!

I opened the box and it was empty! And it was empty the next week, and the next week, and the next, and so on. How could this be? The Internet was supposed to reach millions of people?

I hope my cookie business isn’t a repeat of my foolish optimism. This could replace 14erWorld as Stevo’s folly.


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