Monday, February 8, 2016

2016/02/08 - A New Beginning

I couldn’t watch the Super Bowl last night (no TV) but I did check every once and a while for the score. When I went to bed last night the Broncos were ahead and when I woke up this morning I heard they won, Go Broncos!

I felt good that my home team won. I thought of all the happy people in Colorado and it brought a smile to my face. People out here are absolutely crazy about the Broncos.

OK it’s Monday morning and I have a big week ahead of me.

Something weird has come over me. I’m suddenly regaining some lost confidence and I’m feeling pretty good about myself lately. By nature I’m an arrogant asshole with an over-inflated ego, but over the past few years I’ve taken a few emotional & physical beatings, knocking my confidence down a few notches.

Erasing the 14erWorld forum was a good thing for me psychologically. It was like an old file cabinet full of torn up memories. All of my pictures were gone which made reading old reports less interesting. But most of all it was a place where I could easily open old wounds and regrets. I found that reading some old reports more often brought tears than smiles.  So deleting it was like finally cutting the cord to a past chapter of my life.

And I’m absolutely loving it back here in my blog! There’s a lot less noise. I had forgotten I had some of my favorite pictures here, reminding me of all the wonderful times that past chapter held.

But most of all, my new business opens this Thursday! And it really feels like a new beginning. They say the secret to long life is to always have something to look forward to.

I don’t believe that, but it sure makes it more fun.



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