Tuesday, October 18, 2016

2016/10/18 - Final Facebook Bashing?

As many of you know, I've had a problem with Facebook for a long while. Just a quick scan through my postings here on my blog will confirm that.

But I think I've finally decided to remove my Facebook ID forever.

I've stayed away from Facebook for a while now, trying to avoid the election propaganda, and to avoid knowing which of my "friends" are Trump supporters, as it upsets me almost to the point of unfriending them.

But after a while away from FB, I've kicked the habit, and any short visit back confirms my actual dislike for the application.

Connecting with old "friends" is fun, especially seeing what they look like nowadays, but most of these people weren't actually a friend, they were more like an acquaintance, and the ones who were actually a friend of mine, stopped being my friend for a reason. Aside from family most all of my FB friends fit into either of these two categories.

People come in and out of your life, that's normal.

So why do I want to connect or reconnect with these people? Why do I want to look at their family pictures?

Once my initial curiosity as to what they look like nowadays fades, I'm done. And I'm sure that these old "friends" are done with me too as soon as they see what I look like nowadays. 

I'll ask these friends to come to my blog to read a story and NOBODY COMES (except for my few real friends that come here anyway without prompting). So I don't feel so guilty leaving my FB friends. Sorry....

And 99% of these "friends" never actually say anything. They just show family pictures, or vacation pictures (without identifying the people in the pictures), or they pass along the words of other people, or news propaganda that suits their ideology.

I'm not going to lose any of my real friends by quitting FB, they know how to get in touch with me and I know how to reach them.

Truth be told, I'm already saddened by the way "friendship" seems to be disintegrating in real life in our society. Most of us don't have time for real friends anymore. We are too busy and we substitute face-to-face interaction and real connection with shallow shit like Facebook and Twitter.

So goodby, adios, sayonara Facebook!

BTW... Did you know that you can download your FB information to your computer? The download is in the form of a local web with links to all your pictures, posts, friends names, etc. Very cool.


PS: My good friend George from Long Island NY is in the air right now, on his way to DIA. He'll be spending a week with me and the fam. I'm totally psyched! We have been "real" friends for over 50 years. We will be bike riding every day and I'll post pictures here.

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